Friday, March 16, 2012

Marching Into Spring

The seeds are definitely ALIVE!  For whatever reason, the squash seems to be growing at a much faster rate than everything else.  I also noticed that the seeds I placed in the corner of the cold frame did not get as much sunlight as the other flats which has hindered their development slightly.  I have moved the flat over so it's not shadowed so much by the lid the cold frame.  I will continue to monitor their progress.  

It's only mid March here in Oklahoma and the weather is just starting to move into tornado season.  It's probably a good idea to leave these little guys safe in the cold frame for a while.  Temperatures are in the high 70's and low 80's, which is paradise compared to what we will feel in July.

I love seeing all the beautiful green colors!  
Love it! Love it! Love it!

I decided to have a little fun and start some flowers and also these GIANT pumpkin seeds.  I know the marketing ploy totally worked on me but it's for fun.  It was kind of funny because the package only had like 5 seeds in it, but they were the biggest pumpkin seeds I have ever seen.  If they sprout, I will transplant them later.  I have this vision from the movie James and the Giant Peach, but instead it's me and a pumpkin.  The neighbors are going to be speechless.

It was a beautiful day so my husband tilled up the garden again for me, just to mix in the soil we brought in.  We then raked neat rows where we could plant a few things. Decided to break the rules and go ahead and plant some Okra and Corn today.  Package says our area should start in April, but what the heck, I'm a risk taker.

The mounds will settle after a rain or two and again, we are really just giving our best guess at how far apart and how large we should make our rows.  No science to this whatsoever, just one of those deals where we say...yea that looks good enough.  We did space them apart quite a ways just so we would have   plenty of room to move around later.  I'm sure all the experienced gardeners out there reading this blog are finding our inexperience quite humorous.  

I placed some small markers at the end of each row to identify what I planted.  I'm thinking to myself, I'm not going to forget what I planted here, but I know that after I've slept, that will all go out the window.  It is better to mark your rows people!  Don't be the guy or gal scratching your head what did I plant here?  Guess it will be surprise!

I can't wait to see how things will be looking in a couple weeks.  Oh the anticipation!

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